(c) Copyright - Julieta Casabuen Facto Moffatt - 12-12-12
Darwin, Australia
December 12, 2012 or 12-12-12 either way it is written it is the date of December twelve, two thousand and twelve....
Unusual or very rear we will ever be writing this date, for it will come to our lifetime but once like many other dates that would follow.
As I grow older with the world growing older, too many things I can't comprehend of why it happens and so forth...and the more the universe is getting older, the more I know nothing, the more I became smaller, the more I became so humbled and learning more to appreciate the beauty and the goodness of my Creator.
12-12-12, I came to realized that in anyway there are many children all over the world would have birthdays on this day...but it is so complicated though in my thinking...see I thought that is now 12-12-12 but then I realized it is only 11.48p.m. (Darwin, Australia time).
All I can say is that....in few minutes time it will be 12-12-12...........anyway..............
1 - is a whole number and to me it is the joy to write the start of new beginning. 1 - is my birthday as well but of the month of July. 1 - is an ace number. 1 - the number of our thinking....
2- is an even number means that our heart and mind coordinate with each other....it connects the good spirit inside of us to the outside world we live in and if our heart and mind are in-tuned...we are in-tuned with everything around us.
12+12+12 = 36 == whatever you do with the 12-12-12 = equals even numbers and it is infinite numbers meaning our world is of no ENDING...UNTIL the BEGINNING...COME TO TERMS WITH OUR CREATOR...
Yes, sure they are only numbers you may say, some will say...but we all begin from number zero and then 1 and so forth..........
12-12-12.........I am happy to think that I am the first one written something about this number in Blog....
the count down is going to happen soon...........
waiting...................10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...........0
welcome 12-12-12-=====thank you LORD!
once in my lifetime -12-12-12
ReplyDeleteand yes...December 12, 2017...five years ago.... great Christmas holiday to all.