(C)Julieta Casabuena Facto Moffatt-August 14, 2010
A-nother day of being alive and chatting with a loving friend
N-othing can surpass the love connection between us today
G-athered we are by the Internet connections in time and space
E-ven the distance between us is that so far away we are on top
L-oving hearts travels fast through the tappings of laptop's key.
M-oments of time we spoken words of wisdom is now written in INK
Y-ou are a very special friend and I hope our friendship last a lifetime.
F-riendship is a word that covers everything, acceptance of one self
R-eminding us that in this world we can only live one day at a time
I-n order to be happy, let us acknowledge our shortcomings and all
E-ncourage every person you meet to live life to the best possible way
D-ay to day we are here and blue horizon is just 28 miles away...........
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