(c)Julieta Casabuena FactoMoffatt-August 4, 2010
Some people can be so cruel. They feign their emotions to set us up through their sweet words of nothing, and then bring us down without fail.
Yet, life must go on even we are drowning from pain and sufferings. It is not right that one person had the right to make one unhappy. it is not right that one person can take other feelings for granted.
As a woman, I learned that in every circumstances that happened in my life, each and every one of them they are just a drop of sweat out of my pore. Those who have hurt me think that they can pull me down into oblivion of sadness, then I prove them wrong.
Life is so wonderful and beautiful for me spend and waste any second of my life to worry things that are already blown away by the wind and whatever maybe that good wind that carried away my bad days and trials that SAME good wind will come back to me to bring GOOD TIDINGS.
Today is another perfect day, because I believe IN JESUS CHRIST, MY LIVING GOD!
and it is so true .....good wishes to all.