Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Thought I was lost

(c)julieta casabuena facto moffatt

July 11, 2018

Hurray, I am found
thought I was lost
just a few seconds ago
I found my way...
back to my blogger account...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


(C)Julieta Casabuena Facto Moffatt
Darwin, Australia
January 3, 2018

What is perfect peace?  You may ask.  Perfect peace for me, for you or for whom?  I can't imagine in this world of ours today, as we look around, what we witnessed and what we heard from the media it is so impossible to think of 'perfect peace'.

The man-made disasters are all over the world and so as the natural calamities both have the same heartbreaking effects on us. 

Man-made disasters, may it be about religions, politics or by mentally disturbed people, our present society is so very lenient to people that takes lives  and freedom of innocent people, often the victims of crimes are always forgotten.

Natural calamities, it happens by the power of nature and we are all under the mercy of the mother nature.  We have little ability to be really ready of what to come when it comes to natural occurrence. It comes in nature's ways and time.

Perfect Peace on earth can only happen when all religions unites in Love, then and only then we can have UTOPIA ON EARTH.

Personally, I believe that my 'PERFECT PEACE' is when my TIME COME that my LORD is ready to take me with HIM INTO HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM and be with HIM FOREVER.

I am to contradict myself of my above statement/paragraph, As a believer of Life after death...how can I have perfect peace, upon looking down on earth seeing all my beloved suffering heartaches and sadness of losing me.

Horizon is the end of our life itself...so the moment....,
I touched the ever illusive horizon........I will the have 'perfect peace' but how about the people I've loved and left behind?  Will there be ever  perfect peace for them?  I think they will be ever sad and broken hearted of my leaving....so then, where is 'perfect peace' here on earth?  Will there be  'Perfect Peace in 'HEAVEN'?

So my question is...Perfect Peace where and for whom?
(The place of Perfect Peace is with MY LORD).

First Wednesday of the Year 2018

(c)Julieta Casabuena Facto Mofffatt
Darwin, Australia

With all the chaos around the world
Natural disasters and man-made ones
We can only be vigilant, but never be ready
For both strikes and will occurred without our knowing.

First Wednesday today, is such a moment to reflect
Here in Darwin, it is so humid yet it's still a wonderful world
Nothing can make the weather change only the GOD ABOVE
WE all waiting for that more welcome wet season time of year.

Here on my own, I am thinking with heavy heart, yet with a smile
Remember our parents, brothers and Charles who are not with us anymore
They are all the missing links of life now, once a strong links of life
Yet, through GOD'S LOVE, they are still etched in our hearts forevermore.